Frequently Asked Questions

How much does each treatment cost? I am interested in a treatment, but can I afford it?

Total treatment costs vary for each person. Your cost will depend on: which procedures are needed to achieve your desired results, the size of your treatment area(s), as well as the severity of your skincare problem. For example, a person in her early 30’s will likely require less filler than someone in her 50’s who may have more prominent lines and wrinkles. The best way for us to give you an accurate price quote is to meet with you in person, so we can fully assess your cosmetic goals and the areas you wish to treat. We work within a range of budgets, and we also accept a variety of financing options, including CareCredit®, to help make treatment more affordable. Contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation today.

Does it hurt?

While the level of discomfort varies based on the treatment, all of the treatments and procedures offered at Cordial Medical Spa are minimally-invasive, so they should not be as painful as any surgical procedures. Dr. Glantsman and our team of esthetics professionals offer topical anesthetic, local anesthetic, ice packs, and/or pain medications to alleviate any discomfort experienced with certain procedures, or if requested by the patient. Most of our patients say treatment is not very painful and that any feeling of discomfort usually subsides quickly.

What can I expect during recovery?

While recovery and downtime varies based on the procedure, our treatments are nonsurgical, so they require minimal or no downtime. You can immediately resume normal activities and even return to work the same day following many of our treatments, including BOTOX®, fillers, and most laser treatments. We will more thoroughly discuss what you can expect during your consultation, once we determine which treatment options you would like to move forward with.

Will I look weird? Or will my outcome look natural?

Dr. Glantsman and our medical team believe a natural, conservative approach is the best. We are not in the business of creating beauty, rather we work to reveal the beauty that already exists within each of our patients. The outcome of our treatments will not make you look like a completely different person when leaving our office. You will instead look refreshed and rejuvenated, as if you have just returned from a relaxing vacation.

I have a big event coming up. When should I come in for treatment?

Everyone wants to look their best for life’s big moments. If you have an upcoming wedding, graduation, reunion, or other life milestone, it is never too early to come in for a consultation, so we can devise a treatment plan for you and provide you with an appropriate timeline. While some treatments offer immediate results, there are other treatments that may take four to six months to see results.

How much does it cost for a consultation?

It is so important for us to meet in person to fully assess your skin and body concerns to ensure we create the best possible treatment plan for you to achieve your desired results. Because we are committed to helping improve your overall quality of life, all of our consultations are complimentary.

Can I have a treatment completed on the same day as my consultation?

While it depends on which treatment(s) you are interested in and which office you are visiting, we try our best to accommodate your scheduling needs. If you have thoroughly researched your options and have already made a treatment decision, please let us know when you first call us, so we can try our best to schedule your consultation and treatment in the same day.

Contact us for more information

As you may have noticed, the answers to many of your questions are unique to your specific situation. We understand making a decision on cosmetic procedures can sometimes be difficult and overwhelming. We are here to help you along the process. Please contact our office to learn more about our treatments and what you can expect, so we can help alleviate any of your concerns.


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