Facial & Legs Spider Veins

LimeLight and NdYAG Lasers

Remove LegsSpider Veins and Facial Vessels

What causes Legs Spider Veins and Facial Vessels to appear?

Small spider veins and facial vessels are usually caused by the natural aging process of the skin, sun damage, trauma to that site, certain skin disorders such as rosacea, or simply genetics. These veins can be extremely fine - the diameter of a human hair. Or they may be larger and more blue, like a piece of thread.

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How to Treat Unwanted Spider Veins

The Solution to Treat Legs Spider Veins and Facial Vessels is Laser and Photo Rejuvenation (IPL) from Cordial Medical Spa

We have found that spider veins on the face or legs are most effectively treated with IPL or NdYag lasers. Lasers’ medical devices have changed and dramatically advanced the way that skin issues are treated.

Lasers are unique light-emitting devices that give off a single very specific wavelength of light-targeted to eliminate one issue or problem.

Certain vascular lasers have been designed to just remove blood vessels, spider veins, and red marks - causing virtually no tissue damage or unwanted effects to any other elements of the surrounding skin.

The laser beam targets the blood vessels, and simply seals them up.

After the treatment, the skin is mildly red and swollen for a brief period of a few hours. Some treated vessels look darker for a few days, then begin to fade and disappear.

Generally, patients are able to return to work that day or the next day. The spider veins slowly resolve over 4 weeks.

One to three sessions, spaced fours weeks apart, give most of our clients the best results.

 Vascular Issues

For patients looking to address facial pigmentation, superficial vessels, skin texture and.or photodamage, IPL is the optimal solution. IPL treatments improve skin complexion, reduce skin irregularities and help patients look years younger.

IPL treatments from Cordial Medical Spa provide a "photofacial" that helps address the following issues:

  • Age spots (red/brown spots)

  • Sun damage

  • Vascular lesions (like spider veins, port wine stains, leg telangiectasias)

  • Rosacea (redness)

  • And freckles

The most common areas of treatment are zones that are regularly exposed to the sun. This often includes the face, neck, decolletage, legs, hands, and arms.

 IPL Laser Treatment For Facial Veins

Intense Pulsed Light, or photo rejuvenation, is a laser-type device that emits different wavelengths of light (not just one wavelength like a standard laser) and therefore can treat a more broad range of skin issues. The IPL device was created to treat combinations of skin issues, versus lasers treat just one skin target.

At Cordial, our IPL can be used to treat facial redness and tiny blood vessels. While the lasers more effectively treat the larger visible thready blood vessels, the IPL reduces the diffuse background redness . After the IPL treatment, the skin is mildly red for a few hours; the treatment requires no time off from daily activities.

  • Our IPL treatment can be used to treat the combination of thready spider veins and diffuse flushing and redness.

  • Our IPL effectively treats diffuse facial redness and flushing.

  • Our IPL also can lighten brown spots and is the logical choice if you have a combination of both diffuse red and brown discolorations on your face.

Facial Vein Before & Afters

Click on an image below for a closer look.

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