What Can I Expect From My EMSculpt Results?

Over the past 5-10 years, technology for body sculpting has been truly revolutionized. Procedures are less invasive, more effective, and more accessible than ever. At Cordial, we are excited to offer a new non-invasive body sculpting treatment with impressive results. EMSculpt is a one of a kind procedure that sculpts your body while increasing muscle tone, reshaping the area and reducing fat. So, what kind of EMSculpt results can you expect if you choose this treatment?

How Does EMSculpt Work?

Emsculpt features HIFEM® (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology that triggers powerful muscle contractions. These involuntary contractions force your muscles to respond, rebuilding and reshaping the inner structure. As a result, the area becomes more toned and sculpted. Because the electromagnetic technology triggers deep muscle contractions, it’s unlike anything you would be able to duplicate at the gym. Think of EMSculpt treatments as an acceleration of training and eating well for 6 months to a year.

Where Can I Have EMSculpt Treatment?

The FDA approves this treatment for the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs – the most common areas people are looking to reshape!

What Are Typical EMSculpt Results?

On average, patients see a 15-20% increase in muscle at the treatment site, as well as a reduction in fat. While you’ll definitely feel like something has changed right away, it takes 2-4 weeks to see most of the effects. Positive changes will continue to emerge for several weeks longer. For maximum benefit, we usually do a series of four, 30 minute sessions scheduled 2-3 days apart. Afterwards, you can expect long lasting results with a proper diet and exercise routine, but maintenance sessions are typically recommended. Depending on your goals, we will come up with a treatment protocol to help you acheive them.

What Is The Recovery Like?

Because EMSculpt is non-invasive, after treatment you can continue your regular activities. You may experience some soreness (like after a tough workout!), which will dissipate in a few days.

Our team specializes in providing high quality care to improve the health and wellness of our patients. During the month of February, we are offering a special price on EMSculpt treatments. Take advantage of our “Buy One Get One” deal all month! As always, you can contact us for a consultation any time through the website or give us a call at 847-970-9933. We can help you decide if you are a good candidate for EMSculpt and what kind of results you can expect.


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