What Body Contouring Procedures Do We Offer?


When it comes to non-surgical body contouring, newer technology has made it possible to acheive results previously only feasible with surgery. Diet and exercise go a long way, but for stubborn areas, Cordial offers premier non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Abdominal contouring or circumferential reduction can make a huge difference in the way you look and feel. Let’s discuss the types of treatments we utilize in our office, and how they can be used together for even better results.


EmSculpt‘s non-invasive HIFEM® (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology stimulates strong muscle contractions in the target area. Like exercise, these contractions cause the muscle to reshape itself. These 30 minute sessions are great for anyone looking to enhance their appearance with more toned muscle, and they are especially effective for abdominal contouring and buttocks toning. Plus, it requires no special preparation for treatment, and there’s no downtime afterwards.


For circumferential fat reduction in the abdomen, thighs, and saddlebags, we recommend VanquishME’s radio frequency technology. Specifically designed to “tune into” fat cells, this contactless treatment heats the fat cells, which causes them to shrink and ultimately die. The body flushes out the dead fat cells through the lymphatic system. Results start appearing around 2-3 weeks after the first treatment and continue to improve for several months. Like EmSculpt, this procedure has no downtime. However, you’ll need to well hydrated before and after treatment.


While EmSculpt and VanquishME are both effective procedures with benefits of their own, we see enhanced results when we use them together. That’s why, throughout March, we have packaged them for a great value! For abdominal contouring, there is no better non-surgical combination to get the look you desire this summer. Contact us today to discuss our body contouring options. We will develop a treatment plan to help you reach your goals.


Unleashing the Power of EMSCULPT: Sculpting Your Way to a Stronger Body


Get Spring Ready with VanquishME